Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Japan to Honor Nashville Man for Fostering Business Ties

From the Tennessean (4-29-08): "'Japanese foreign investments have totally transformed' Tennessee's economy, said Steven Livingston, a professor and senior research associate in Middle Tennessee State University's Business and Economic Research Center."

Friday, April 25, 2008

Economic Update: Nashville MSA

According to BERC director David Penn, "March economic indicators for the Nashville metropolitan area show modest nonfarm employment growth, even though housing construction is plummeting and the unemployment rate is on the rise...."
(Economic Update 4/25/08)

Nashville-Area Jobless Rate Up, but More Jobs Added in March

From Tennessean (4-25-08): "'I wouldn't call it robust growth, but it's growth,' said David Penn, an economist with Middle Tennessee State University, adding that the nation's economy lost an average of 75,000 to 80,000 jobs in each of the last three months."

Area Job Seekers Press on Amid Mixed News

From Tennessean (4-25-08): "Despite the unemployment rate increase, the area added nearly 11,000 jobs over a year ago. That compares with national job losses of about 75,000 to 80,000 in each of the past three months, according to Middle Tennessee State University economist David Penn."

Local Retailers Hope Tax Holiday Revives Sales

From Daily News Journal (4-25-08): "David Penn, director of MTSU's Business and Economic Research Center, said he doesn't think consumers will spend as much as they did last year due to the current economic conditions."

New MTSU Economics and Finance Chair

Charles Baum has been selected as the next chair of MTSU's Department of Economics and Finance and will assume his duties on July 1, 2008. Baum received his Ph.D. in economics from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. An expert in labor economics, Baum is widely published and his research currently focuses on the links between various economic factors and obesity. He also serves as the director of MTSU's graduate program in economics. Baum replaces retiring chair John Lee.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Midstate Economic Indicators

The spring 2008 Midstate Economic Indicators is now online. According to BERC director David Penn: "In general, the indicators for Nashville do not yet convincingly support the case that a recession is upon us."

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Focus on Training Avoids Wage Pitfalls

From the Tennessean (4-10-08): BERC director David Penn: "Workers' pay this decade has not kept pace with the cost of living. . . ."

Monday, April 7, 2008

David Penn to Speak at Kiwanis Club

BERC director David Penn will speak at a meeting of the Kiwanis Club of Nashville Inc. at 11:30 a.m. Friday, April 11, 2008, at Millennium Maxwell House – Nashville (615-391-0123, kiwanis@bellsouth.net).

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Current Economic Indicators

February economic indicators for the Nashville-Davidson-Murfreesboro MSA (.xls, 4/01/08)

Tennessee Banks Wrestle with Housing Decline

From the Tennessean, 4-01-08: "Bill Ford, a Middle Tennessee State University professor and a former president of the Federal Reserve Bank in Atlanta, said the impact of weaker loan portfolios could make it tougher to get a home loan, a car loan or a new credit card."